Curently we only deal with PayPal. If you choose not to sign into PayRal we do have a Virtual Terminal.
Simply call us at 603.540.4145 and we will process your payment.
No signing in and we do not keep your card number on file.

Medium and Tarot Services Pricing

Intuitive Tarot and Medium Readings
One half hour session: $80.00
Forty-five Minutes: $120.00
One hour session: $160
Year Ahead Intuitive Tarot One hour: $160.00
Clinck here to make your payment.

Business Sessions

Full Session: $320.00
Includes all aspects of your business
Partial Session: $160.00
Clinck here to make your payment.

Spiritual Life Coaching

Introductory Session: $150.00
Recurring Sessions: $100.00
Clinck here to make your payment.

House Blessings

Remote: $125.00
In Person: $175.00
Clinck here to make your payment.

Clearings of Home

Please call for pricing
Clinck here to make your payment.

Business Clearings

Please call for pricing
Clinck here to make your payment.

Our Services

Below are some of our offerings

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